New BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.1 beta enroot to the tablet by Thursday


With PlayBook product manager, Michael Clewley calling for the beta edition of the PlayBook OS 2.1 update to rollout by the end of May, the update should be obtainable by Thursday. Previously, it was speculated during the BlackBerry World discussion that the OS update would be launched early during the summer. That would have worked out to a release in late June. You might recall that the preceding OS update for the tablet brought much needed features such as a contacts list, calendar and email client. The managerial tweeted that more details about the update will be released on RIM's blog when the download is set to go.
A screenshot of the update seems to indicate that it will allow for a portrayal view of the calendar, contacts and email client. It also looks like you'll be able to resize text on the tablet subsequent the update as well as multitask using Android apps. A carrier shelf will be added for BlackBerry App World and in-app expenditure for developers will be made possible along with access to the camera's API. If you have the BlackBerry PlayBook and have already installed the OS 2.1 beta, let us know by adding your commentary in the box below. Be certain to let us know what changes you have noticed.

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